.22LR 50yd BR Results – 08.10.20

Dear LVSA Members and Friends:

First, thanks you Dallas Baker for your generosity and friendship. You continue to be a great asset to these events and to the LVSA.

The 16th of this year’s 23 .22LR 50yd Bench Rest matches is in the books, and like all, it exceeded expectations for fun and competition.

Forty-five scores were logged today, five with irons, 33 with scopes, and seven against the Green Monster. This is a record total for the year, and third overall in the 10 years of this series. The seven GreMo scores were also a record for this challenging target.

Looking back on the scores from the early years, we have come a long way in firearms, optics, ammo, ancillary hardware (rests), wind flags, velocimeters, etc, BUT mainly skills honed by time at task. Those who join our ranks now will definitely benefit from the accumulated knowledge and experience that those currently on the firing line are more than willing to share. And spectators are always welcome.

Speaking of spectators, we were visited today by Glen Baker. He is new to town and has reloading supplies and gear for sale at very reasonable prices. For more info, contact Glen at 307-253-8263 or [email protected].

As always many thanks to all helpers and shooters.

Remember, there is a Mid-Range Challenge match this Saturday, Aug 15. Set-up starts at 0800.

Charlie Piette, Match Director

The following shows the round 1, round 2, and aggregate scores and X counts. Relays are noted in parentheses. Ties are listed by the shooters’ last names.

TomSpriggs 40X19910(5)19711(6)396211
JerryYork Ans1936(3)1978(4)390142
DallasBaker Win1939(1)1968(2)389173
LindaJoBrown 40X1918(1)19710(2)388184
RichardBird 521907(6)1939(7)383165
Bob [T]Trebelcock 40X 420019(7)20020(8)400391
TomSpriggs 40X 120019(7)20018(8)400372
Joe [B]Bautz 40X 120017(7)20019(8)400363
TomSpriggs 40X 220018(9)20017(9)400354
GregAnderson CZ 220014(7)20019(8)400335
CharliePiette Sako20018(7)20013(8)400316
Bob [T]Trebelcock 40X 320016(5)20015(6)400316
RichardBird 40X20017(8)20012(9)400298
KentSchmidlin 37 120015(5)20012(6)400279
TonyCross 40X 219915(6)20016(7)3993110
Bob [T]Trebelcock 40X 119914(1)20017(2)3993110
Bob [T]Trebelcock 40X 219916(3)20014(4)3993012
TonyCross 40X 119916(4)19915(5)3983113
DallasBaker Ans19915(3)19914(4)3982914
RichardBrown Ans 219912(3)19913(4)3982515
TonyCross 40X 319912(8)19814(9)3972616
GregAnderson CZ 120014(5)19710(6)3972417
LindaJoBrown 40X19816(3)1979(4)3952518
RichardBrown Ans 119711(1)19814(2)3952518
Joe [B]Bautz 40X 119612(5)19814(6)3942620
LyndaBaker Sako 119711(1)19713(2)3942421
KentSchmidlin 37 219811(7)19610(8)3942122
GeorgeKerst BSA19613(5)1969(6)3922223
BrightonGould Sav/Ans 119413(5)1976(6)3911924
DennisKoppenhafer Win19412(4)1966(5)3901825
GaryFischer Sav 21906(3)19913(4)3891926
DennisKoppenhafer Sav1907(6)19811(7)3881827
WandaKoppenhafer Sav19611(2)1913(3)3871428
HelenNichols 10/221897(3)19614(4)3852129
BrightonGould Sav/Ans 21937(7)1928(8)3851530
LyndaBaker Sako 21906(3)1958(4)3851431
GaryFischer Sav 11886(1)1926(2)3801232
ByrlNichols 10/221804(1)1904(2)370833
DonnMolyneux 40X 22291(1)1
JerryYork 40X 22243(5)2
JerryYork 40X 12240(1)3
DonnMolyneux 40X 32141(2)4
DonnMolyneux 40X 12072(3)5
RodgerMardock 10/222071(1)6
LarryCrismon Rem 513T1801(2)7
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