ByLaws of the Lander Valley Sportsman’s Association, Inc.

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Affiliated with the National Rifle Association of America


The name of this organization shall be Lander Valley Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.


The object of this organization shall be the encouragement of organized rifle, pistol and other competitive shooting among citizens of the United States resident in our community, with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. To encourage friendly

relations between landowners, sportsmen, and Game and Fish personnel, through mutual programs. It shall be our further object and purpose to forward the development of those

characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play and self reliance which are the essentials, of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism. It shall be our further object to oppose unfair gun and hunting legislation at all levels of government.


(a) Any citizen of the United States 18 years of age or older may become a member of this organization on vote of the Executive Committee after subscribing to the following pledge and on payment of the usual dues.

The Pledge

I certify that I am a citizen of good repute of the United States of America; that I am not a member of any organization or group having as its purposes the overthrow by force and violence of the Govern ment of the United States or any of its political subdivisions; that I have never been convicted of a crime of violence; and that, if admitted to member ship, I will fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship.
(b) This association shall be open to large and small bore rifleman, pistol shooters, shotgun shooters, archery enthusiasts, fisherman and other sportsmen.

(c) Any member convicted of any game or fish violation will be subject to dismissal from the association at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


(a) The member’s annual dues to the association shall be $75.00 except for any member living over 35 miles from Lander, Wyoming, they shall be $50.00. There will be a $25.00 discount for working in at least one activity per year, and a $25.00 discount for NRA membership. Wives and dependants over 19 years of age who live at home may become associate members for $5.00 per year.

(b) Associate members have voting privileges, and may have a range key.

(c) No member of the association in arrears shall be eligible to vote or to enjoy any other of the privileges of benefits offered by this association.

(d) There shall be an annual audit of the books and records by a competent auditor.


(a) Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the association shall be held on the first Wednesday of March in each year. If the annual meeting shall not take place at the time fixed

it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter, and the officers shall hold over until their successors shall have been elected. If less than one-third of the votes eligible to be cast are present, then only those matters which were in the meeting notice may be acted upon.

(b) Regular Meetings. The regular business meeting of the association for the transaction of ordinary business shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Executive committee.

(c) Special Meeting. a special meeting of the association may be held anytime upon the call of the President or upon the call of the Executive Committee, upon demand in writing, stating the object of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than 20 percent of the members entitled to vote, or by order of a District Court in Fremont County. Notice of the time, place and object of the meeting shall be given all officers and members in good standing in writing by United States mail not less than seven days prior to the date fixed for the holding of the meeting. The place of such special meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Committee.

(d) Quorum. The members of the association present and entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum at the annual meeting. Proxy voting shall not be allowed.

(e) At the option of the Executive Committee members may vote for or against a proposed action by written ballot shall be provided that the number of ballots received back equals or exceeds the required quorum of a meeting.


(a) The officers of this association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Instructor, Chief Range Officer and a Board of directors consisting of 4

(four) members, who acting together shall constitute the Executive Committee. They shall be elected by a majority vote by ballot of the members in good standing present at the annual meeting of the association. One-half of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected every two years for a 4 (four) year term. The officers shall hold office for 2 (two) years or until their successors are elected. Officers and Directors may be elected for an unlimited number of successive terms.

(b) The Executive Committee shall have general supervision and control of all the activities of the association, and is authorized to take action without a meeting if a majority of the members take the action.

(c) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held regularly at such time and place as the Committee may determine. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the President or on demand, in writing to the Secretary, by three members of the Committee.

(d) Six members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

(e) Registration of any officer may be accepted by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.

(f) A vacancy in the Executive Committee may be filled by a majority vote if the remaining members of the Committee. However, if more than one vacancy exists a special meeting of the club shall be called and new officers shall be elected to fill the vacancies until the date of the next annual meeting as provided in paragraph (a) above.

(g) The Executive Committee may sell, lease, mortgage, exchange or dispose of all the property of the corporation in the regular course of business without member approval.

(h) Members of the Executive Committee are not individually liable for any actions, inactions or omissions by the corporation. This does not affect individual liability for intentional torts or legal acts.

(i) The Corporation may not lend money to Directors or Officers except for advancing litigation expenses of a Director or Officer who is successful.

(j) The Corporation shall maintain copies of its Articles, Bylaws or any Amendments thereto, resolutions of the Executive Committee pertaining to members, minutes of all member and Executive Committee meetings, member communication, annual financial statements, a list of names and addresses of the Board, and the Corporation’s most recent annual report. Members shall have the right to inspect these items and other proprietary records if the members demand is made in good faith for a proper purpose and so long as the records are not considered confidential otherwise by law.


(a) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee. He shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees, and shall perform all such other duties as usually pertain to his office.

(b) Vice-President. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President is his absence or at his request.

(c) Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence pertaining to the proper preparation and forwarding of all reports required of the association by the National Rifle Association and by the Director of Civilian Marksmanship. He shall notify the members of special and annual meetings, as required in Article V. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the association and have the custody of the books and papers of the association except the Treasurer’s books of account. All applications for membership in the association shall be made to the Secretary. He shall be responsible for the collection of all fees and dues and shall remit the same to the Treasurer, taking his proper receipts therefore. He shall be responsible for reaffiliating the association annually with the National Rifle Association. He shall keep an alphabetical list of members.

(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the association and place the same in such bank or banks as may be the approved by the Executive Committee. Such money shall only be withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer and for the payment of such bills as shall have been approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all his transactions and render a detailed report with vouchers at any meeting or the Executive Committee when requested and an annual report to the organization at its annual meeting.

(e) Chief Instructor. The Chief Range Instructor shall have charge of all small arms instruction with authority to appoint hiss assistants. He shall contract no bills without authorization of the Executive Committee.

(f) Chief Range Officer. The Chief Officer shall have charge of the scheduling and safety of the ranges of the association. He shall contract no bill without authorization of the Executive Committee.

(g) Board of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors shall attend all meetings of the association and the Executive Committee meetings. They shall have voting powers on the Executive Committee and shall perform such duties as called for by the officers. They must be individuals.

(h) Range Committee. Five persons will be named by the Board of Directors to serve on this committee. The Range Committee shall have charge of the operation of the ranges of the association, including the maintenance and improvements thereof.


(a) Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any special meeting called for this purpose, or by judicial proceeding. No vote on suspension or removal may be taken unless at least fifteen days notice in writing shall have been given to the officer of the reasons for his removal and of the time and place of the special meeting. At such special meeting the officer shall be given a full hearing.

(b) Any member may be suspended or expelled from the association for any cause deemed sufficient by the Executive Committee by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members of the Committee present at any regular or special meeting. No vote on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen days notice in writing shall have been given to the member of the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the Executive Committee at which such charges will be accorded a full hearing.

(c) Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good standing. They shall be in writing clearly stating the facts relied upon and accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support. Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the President. The President will call a meeting or the Executive Committee to hear the charges. The Secretary will give at least fifteen days notice of the meeting to each member and to the accused, which notice shall be in writing and will include a true copy of the charges and of the supporting affidavits and exhibits.

(d) Any member suspended or expelled by the Executive Committee may appeal to the full membership of the association. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary who will notify the President. The President will call a special meeting of the association for the purpose of acting on the appeal. The Secretary shall give at least fifteen days notice in writing to all members of the association in good standing stating the date, time, place and reason for such special meeting. At the meeting of the full association the Secretary will read the original charges, the supporting affidavits and will read or display the accompanying exhibits, and will read the minutes of the special meeting of the Executive Committee at which the charges were heard and the action taken. A full hearing will be given the accuser and the accused. A vote will be taken by ballot of the members in good standing present and a two-thirds vote shall be required to reverse the action of the Executive Committee.

(e) Any official or member or the association who has been suspended or expelled by the National Rifle Association of America shall automatically stand suspended or expelled from this association immediately upon receipt of official notice by the Secretary of this association from the Secretary of the National Rifle Association.

(f) The National Rifle Association shall be given a complete report whenever a member of the association is suspended or expelled, showing charges and action taken.


All rifle and revolver or pistol competitions held by the association will be governed by the rules and regulations laid down by the National Rifle Association of America, approved by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and the Secretary of the Army, or by other sponsoring organizations.


(a) Any proposed amendments to these by-laws may be introduced by any member of the association at any regular meeting or special meeting called for the purpose provided a copy of the amendments has been sent to each association member by the United States mail at least ten days prior to the meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members present, or majority of the total voting power, which ever is less, will be necessary to approve the change.

(b) Any Amendment to the Articles or By-laws which terminates or cancels memberships shall be approved by two-thirds of votes cast.

(c) The minimum vote requirements for a plan of merger, a plan of consolidation, a sale of assets not in the regular course of business, or a dissolution of the corporation is two-thirds of the votes cast or a majority of the voting power, whichever is less.

(d) The minimum vote requirement for amending the Articles is two-thirds of the votes cast or a majority of the voting power, whichever is less.

(e) Fremont County District Court may dissolve the Corporation upon a petition from the Attorney General, a Director, or 20 percent of the members.

I hereby certify that these by-laws have been adopted by this association.

s. Don Nolde April 16, 1971

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President Date

s. Allen O. “Sy” Sybrandt April 16, 1971

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Secretary Date

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