Meeting Minutes – 03.02.16

LVSA Membership Meeting Minutes March 2, 2016

Called to order at 7:30PM by President Sebesta. Six Board members present (Sebesta, Cain, Piette, Lemm, Molyneux, Spriggs), plus six members; 12 total.

Minutes from February 2, 2016 were read. Move by Lemm, 2nd by Cross to approve as read. Passed by a voice vote.

Treasurer’s repost by Piette: as of February 29, there was $18,090 available in checking, $1,203 in savings. Membership stood at 261.

Shooting Committee:

February events were held as scheduled. There are no changes to report to the published schedule for March.

Range and Facilities Committee:

Kip Davis may have a door for the outdoor pistol range.

Junior Club

The NRA Junior Sectionals will be held the weekend of March 19 and 20.

Old Business
1] Winter Fair volunteer slots have been filled. Set-up was discussed.
2] Personal Protection Class update: Thirty NRA packet have arrived. Chief Instructor Roy Brown has reviewed the time and course procedure. The program will consist of two, four-hour classroom sessions and one outdoor range session.
Move by Lemm, 2nd by Hammer to hold the cost at $90. Passed by a voice vote.
Brown was informed by the NRA that after the outstanding packets are done, the first half of the course will be “on-line” through the NRA. Discussion to buy additional packets followed with a move by Piette, 2nd by Lemm to buy 50 more. Passed by a voice vote.
Dates set for the first course as Mar 22, 24, and 26.

New Business
1] LVSA will request a maintenance credit when renewing the outdoor range license.
2] Wyoming corporate registration due on Apr 1.
3] Corporate memberships were discussed. The decision was made to not pursue this change at this time [by-law change necessary?]. It was suggested that individual memberships would better serve the party in question.
4] Per the LVSA By-Laws, all five of the club’s officers and two of the four Board members are up for election every two years. The 2016 election results are as follows:
Officers (terms end in 2018):
President – Roger Sebesta
Vice President – Caroline Cain
Secretary / Treasurer – Charlie Piette
Chief Instructor – Roy Brown
Chief Range Officer – Bruce Campbell
Board Member – Tom Spriggs (term ends in 2020)
Board Member – Ed Newell (term ends in 2020)

For the record, the two Board members whose terms expire in 2018 are Dudley Irvine Jr and Donn Molyneux.
5] Martin Cannon asked Roy Brown about the possibility of a “Veterans’ Day” at the range. In the discussion that followed it was determined that more information is needed: Club manpower? Liability? Supplier of guns and ammo? Etc.

Next meeting Wed Apr 6, 2016, 7:30pm
Show & Tell: Rim Fires (rifle and pistol)
Send your suggestions for future S & T’s to Sebesta or Piette
Adjourned at 8:45pm.
Distributed by Piette Feb 28, 2016

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