Sept 8, 2014
Dear Believers in the Saying “If You Don’t Like the Weather…”:
When I left the house at 5:35 this morning to drive my 14 year old to swim practice, we saw the constellation Orion for the first time this fall high in the eastern sky. Orion has always been my favorite constellation. It indicates that winter with its snow and cold will soon be upon us. I like that.
At the start of today’s .22LR 50yd Bench Rest Fun Shoot, cold conditions were far from everyone’s thoughts. It was sunny and warm (80’s) and there was very little wind. But as the old saying goes, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.” And change it did in a dramatic fashion. At 4:45pm, the start of flight 7 (we ran 10 flights today), the wind went from essentially zero to 25mph from the south. It eventually stabilized, but never really slacked off in intensity. Yes, you have to believe that the wind is your friend.
Still, a good time was had by all (especially those of us who shot in flights 7 – 10).
Thirty-four matches were entered, thirty-three scores were recorded, seven in irons, 26 in scopes.
Many thanks to the crews who helped with all the work, and of course, to all who participated.
Remember, only three matches to go this year.
Charlie Piette
Match Director
The following table lists names, round 1, round 2, aggregate scores and X counts. In the case of a tie, the shooters are listed alphabetically by last name.
Tom Spriggs 200 15 197 12 397 27
Bruce Campbell 198 9 197 13 395 22
Ron Collins 196 9 198 16 394 25
Jerry York 199 9 189 5 388 14
Nancy York 188 3 196 7 384 10
Jim McGarvey 190 6 183 2 373 8
Dallas Baker 175 2 183 3 358 5
Ron Valentine 2 199 19 200 18 399 37
Rodger Mardock Sav 200 16 199 17 399 33
Tom Spriggs Rem 200 17 199 11 399 28
Ron Valentine 1 199 16 199 14 398 30
Larry Crismon 198 12 199 14 397 26
Rodger Mardock 10/22 198 11 199 9 397 20
Kent Schmidlin 199 16 197 9 396 25
Ted Cadman 197 10 199 13 396 23
Nancy York 200 14 195 7 395 21
Jack Mease 198 12 196 14 394 26
Jerry York 198 11 196 11 394 22
Charlie Piette 2 198 8 196 13 394 21
Don Legerski 195 7 199 13 394 20
Tom Spriggs Kim 195 8 198 13 393 21
Dudley Sr Irvine 197 8 195 9 392 17
Jim McGarvey 196 12 195 11 391 23
Russ Collins 1 196 11 195 8 391 19
Joe Nemick 194 10 195 7 389 17
Charlie Piette 1 192 10 196 11 388 21
Ron Collins 190 5 198 8 388 13
Tony Cross 2 193 6 195 7 388 13
Tony Cross 1 195 11 192 4 387 15
Arne Moilanen 198 10 189 5 387 15
Russ Collins 2 194 10 191 7 385 17
Dallas Baker 191 6 191 5 382 11
Mike Kotrick 186 5 193 9 379 14