MAY 2017
Greetings LVSA Members, The usual winter shooting activities have completed and a whole variety await your participation thru the summer. Certainly one new event to watch for is the Hunting rifle match that Ed Newell is planning to conduct before the fall sight in day. It will be an eye opener for many of the ‘shot ‘em in the neck, on the run at 600 yards’. No running targets are planned but yes you’ll need to shoot from various hunting positions at steel plates set from 100 to 500 yards.
Congratulations to the Lander Junior Rifle & Pistol members that have shown their talent they have received from Coach Dudley Irvine and assisted by Chip Williams and Carolyn Cain. Several of the juniors fired scores qualifying them to the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs.
The weekly Monday afternoon .22LR bench matches are again popular. Dust off that rimfire rifle and see what you can shoot at 50 yards. The events are conducted in a relaxed, helpful atmosphere. Most are willing to offer advice IF YOU ask. Many thanks to Charlie Piette for designing and conducting these shoots. Come on youth and gals you are welcome.
LVSA did not participate in the Winter fair but will be setting up the air gun booth at the Wyoming Outdoor Weekend [WOW] May 19 &20. Our booth will be at the Community Center. Other activities will be up Sinks Canyon and the outdoor range. Carolyn Cain will be contacting those willing to help at WOW and anyone wishing to pick a spot is asked to call 349-6311. The set up will be Fri 7:30 am. The WOW is a Game and Fish event offered to help introduce all ages to outdoor activities: casting, archery, shooting, camping, and such. It will be a good time to get the family together for the free introduction to the outdoors in case you only think soccer and skate board.
Yes, the Army Corp of Engineers have finally sent the notice that our range license will be continued. For some reason they decided it needed to be rewritten rather than amended as it was in the past. Thanks to Sec/Treas Piette and the Board for developing the wording to satisfy the Corp. However it make me wonder how much ‘guard’ is in the National Guard when it takes over a year to make a renewal. We asked for sweat labor credit but did not receive any compensation for our taking care of the property — road maintenance, weed control, etc.
It should be noted that The Good Place is having a 20th anniversary customer appreciation week from May 22 through May 29. All guns are 10% off with a credit of $20 for ammo. All other items are 20% off. Ask to see the club’s raffle rifles when you are there.
Be safe and enjoy the shooting sports. Roger Sebesta President LVSA
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