LVSA Membership Meeting Minutes November 1, 2017
Called to order at 7:30PM by President Sebesta. Seven Board members present (Sebesta, Piette, Campbell, Brown, Molyneux, Newell, Spriggs), plus 7 members; 14 attendees total.
Minutes from Oct 4, 2017, were read. Move by Lemm, 2nd by McCoy to approve as read. Passed by a voice vote.
Treasurer’s report: as of Oct 31, 2017, there was $23,613 available in checking, $1,205 in savings. Membership stands at 267 (up 25 from 2016).
The email distribution list was updated, 239 members have email; there are “friends of the LVSA” on the list.
Shooting Committee: November events will proceed as scheduled. Series starting in Nov: 3P Gallery (an NRA match), Schuetzen, and the .22LR 100yd Bench Rest Winter Fun Shoots.
Range and Facilities Committee: The “Four Rules” safety signs are with the printer. Spriggs rehung the 300m plate. Campbell reported that personal trash was being placed in the range dumpster.
Junior Club News: Irvine (via text) reported that the Juniors are competing in an Orion sponsored nationwide virtual postal match. The club has received the shooting mats donated by the Kiwanis. The “missing” rifles (#12 and #14) have been accounted for.
Old Business
1] Brown and Piette reported on the Oct 12 Fire Hall safety evening. Many youngsters received LVSA safety cards and NRA Eddie Eagle booklets.
2] Range license: The update is essentially ready to send. We still would like the name and date of the last lead testing.
3] The 2018 range schedule has been reviewed by the match directors and is ready to distribute to the members. This will be done in late Nov. We will continue emailing weekly schedule updates to the members. These pick up the LEA additions to the schedule.
4] Molyneux reported that the FoNRA Grant request is waiting for one more support letter (the 4th, only 3 are required) before submittal. The submittal will be done electronically.
5] Safety signs and cards: cards are in hand, signs are with Western Printing, will be installed by Piette when picked up.
6] Missing rifles have been accounted for (see Junior News above). Status of the Lyman scope?
7] Piette reviewed the club’s cash flow (Mar 2010 to present) and discussed CD returns with our bank (CB&T). The recommendation (confirmed by the Board via email) was not to ‘invest’ in CD’s. Would be better return in ammo, or merchandise.
New Business
1] Terry Hubenka will coordinate the Muzzle Loader Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot. Piette will deliver the $282.41 the club has been holding to Hubenka. The Cowboy Action Shooters will hold their Turkey Shoot on Sunday Nov 12.
2] Sebesta questioned the need for a winter newsletter. McCoy suggested that a brief newsletter be included with the 2018 Range Schedule transmittal.
3] Discussion on formally stating that all users of both ranges be designated “Range Officers.” Move by Piette, 2nd by Oliver to add this, and the safety rules to the SOP as #56. Passed by a voice vote. Action: Piette
4]. 2018 Raffle Rifle: members asked to think of suggestions. The Past Shooters have already donated $400 for this. Lemm and Brown to bring ideas to the Dec meeting.
5] Molyneux suggested the club have a raffle for members only on a handgun, with tickets limited to one per member. Jeff Hammer suggested $10 per ticket. Piette suggested a 1911 in the $900 range. Lemm to offer suggestions at Dec meeting.
Next meeting Wed Dec 6, 2017, 7:30pm
Adjourned at 8:15pm.
Distributed by Piette Nov 5, 2017