LVSA Membership Meeting Minutes January 7, 2015
Called to order at 7:30PM by President Sebesta. Five Board members present (Sebesta, Cain, Piette, Irvine, Molyneux, Spriggs), and eight members.
Minutes from Dec 3, 2014 were read by Sec / Treas Piette. Move by Molyneux, 2nd by Snyder to approve as read. Passed by a voice vote.
Treasurer’s repost by Piette: as of Dec 31, there was $25,050available in checking, $1,201 in savings. Membership stood at 253.
Shooting Committee:
January’s upcoming events:
Cowboy Action every second Sat throughout the year.
Open adult shooting at the indoor range Tues evenings at 7:00pm.
Schuetzen matches Saturdays at 7:00pm.
3P Gallery match Sat Jan 10.
.22LR 100yd BR match Sat Jan 24.
Range Committee:
Piette noted that the indoor range target wall backing has been upgraded (thanks to Sebesta). Spriggs said due to the snow at the outdoor range, the estimate to expand the rifle shed will be delayed until spring.
Junior Club
Irvine and Cain reported that seven Junior shooters will be competing in the Jr Olympics in Cheyenne on Jan 17 and 18. The Junior Club will have four entries in the pistol category and six in each of the two rifle categories (smallbore and air).
The 4-H program starts at the indoor range on Mon Jan 12 from 1530 – 1700.
Old Business
1] The Winter Newsletter and 2015 Range Schedule has been sent to the members via email (225) or US Mail (30).
2] New Owners’ Night had four young shooters (three with .22’s, one with an air rifle) plus various dads, granddads, and uncle show up for safety instruction and range time. A good time was had by all, kids, adults, and instructors.
3] The club is up to date with its NRA (electronic) “paper work.”
4] Piette submitted the club’s 2014 Federal Form 990e.
New Business
1] Winter Fair will be held again this year in the LVHS field house. Piette sent a letter to Interim School Superintendent requesting authorization to run our shooting booth and display our raffle rifle again this year. This is required by the School District’s SOP.
2] Fremont Rec Board grant was discussed. Cain and Irvine will decide if the Junior Club wishes to pursue grant money for additional air pistols. The LVSA itself will not be applying for any grants.
3] The 2014 Financial Summary is essentially completed. Highlights will be reported at a later meeting.
4] The lease to the Lander Rifle Club was discussed. Move by Piette, 2nd by Irvine for the LVSA to pay the LRC $7,500. Approved by a voice vote.
5] The indoor range suffered bullet traces in the ceiling on Sunday Jan 4. Review of the video showed a shooter in lane 3 firing a handgun while seated with the target at about 15 feet down range. All shooters are cautioned to be aware of their targets and what is behind them.
Next meeting Wed Feb 4, 2015, 7:30pm followed by a “Jokes (family friendly)” Show & Tell.
Send your suggestions for future S & T’s to Sebesta or Piette
Adjourned at 8:20pm, with members sharing their best shooting related Christmas gifts.
Distributed by Piette Jan 13, 2015